Roadside THC testing technolgies

A police officer on a motorcycle conducting a traffic stop.

Who we are

IMMAD (Impairment Measurement Marijuana and Driving) specializes in education and technology for the responsible use of marijuana. IMMAD focuses on technology for roadside use by law enforcement to determine functional impairment to drive with the use of marijuana. Our primary technology, IMMAD-VR, is a functional test of the eye retinal response to measure peripheral vision and visual field. We are also exploring a novel matrix using tears to measure levels of cannabinoids with recent consumption.

  • IMMAD is committed to saving lives by providing timely and relevant education, services and technology for the responsible use of marijuana.

  • We have met too many parents, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers who have needlessly lost a loved one because of a driver’s poor decision to get behind the wheel after marijuana use.

    At IMMAD, we hope to significantly reduce the number of families who live through this painful experience.

  • By servings as a scientific resource on the effects of marijuana use on the ability to drive for adolescents, teens, and adults, we will enable them to make responsible decisions, and influence others to think twice before driving and using marijuana.

    Our role as both an informational resource and a provider of effective, objective technologies to law enforcement, will move us towards our goal of reducing the lives lost due to marijuana-impaired driving.

Our technologies

  • IMMAD VR Icon


    IMMAD-VR is a simple virtual reality (VR) goggle test with Bluetooth capabilities. The test takes four minutes to administer and provides objective evidence of impairment to drive or operate machinery with marijuana consumption.

  • IMMAD Tear Testing Icon

    Tear testing

    Tears are lipophilic and bind readily and strongly to cannabinoids. Tears are a component of oral fluid saliva and can contribute to greater sensitivity and specificity in the identification of cannabis. Using existing saliva roadside tests is of interest to us and will help shape our future technologies.


Current tests of marijuana impairment like blood-, breath-, or saliva-based methods are impractical for roadside use and even pose some safety and regulatory concerns.

IMMAD is not intended to replace these tests as they only measure the presence of THC. Rather, IMMAD is designed to supplement tests that demonstrate impairment. Its minimal equipment requirements and fast results make it an ideal roadside solution.

IMMAD’s primary market is the 900,000 law enforcement agents that are in desperate need of a convenient THC testing solution. But our technologies will be flexible and scalable to all transportation industries.

Our industries

Profile shot of a man in a lab wearing a VR headset.

Support our work

IMMAD is the first technology of any nature specific to marijuana impairment to be moving through FDA. Like any technology to be used roadside by law enforcement, it must first receive FDA approval. This next step requires IMMAD to conduct a large-scale clinical study, requiring a minimum of one million dollars to prove its efficacy and safe use.

About us

  • IMMAD CEO Denise A. Valenti

    Denise A. Valenti

    CEO & Founder

    Denise has 30 years of clinical experience and research specific to impairment to drive. Her unique expertise related to driving included an emphasis on the identification, classification and rehabilitation of dysfunctional ocular eye movement.